<奨学生募集>安倍昭恵 & アイリーン・ヒラノ・イノウエ 日米国際海洋環境シンポジウム in Hawaii
日時 2016年8月22日 10:00 - 17:00
場所 米国ハワイ州ホノルル コンベンションセンター
主催 安倍昭恵、アイリーン・ヒラノ・イノウエ、一般社団法人 セイラーズフォーザシー日本支局
協力 社会貢献支援財団(会長・安倍昭恵)、米日カウンシル(会長 アイリーン・ヒラノ・イノウエ)、The David and Lucile Packard Foundation、Hawaii Tourism Japan他
Ms. Margaret Spring, Ms. Meg Caldwell, 他
応募方法:1次選考 2000字以内であなたの海洋環境保護への取り組み、または該当シンポジウムが掲げるテーマについてのエッセイを提出してください。タイトルは自由です。
2次選考 1次選考合格者に順次通知の上面接またはモバイル面接
メールアドレス: hawaii@sailorsforthesea.jp
結果発表:2016年7月中旬 ご本人に通知致します。応募者全員に結果通知を致します。
参加義務: 奨学金受給者はシンポジウムへの参加、参加後のレポート提出が義務付けられます。
一般社団法人セイラーズフォーザシー日本支局 079-762-6700 お問い合わせ
Application Instructions for Scholarship
Sailors for the Sea Japan will provide a scholarship to support university students who wish to attend the symposium. Students are expected to have an interest in protecting the marine environment. The scholarship will include: round trip airfare between Japan and Hawaii (an economy class ticket within the organization's budget), three nights at a hotel in Honolulu (we will assign the hotel), and an invitation to a lunch and dinner on August 22. The scholarship recipient will be responsible for other costs, including any fees that may incur if he or she arrives earlier or leaves later than the proposed dates.
Undergraduate and graduate students who study in the U.S. have U.S. citizenship, and are comfortable traveling on their own.
How to apply:
First round - Please submit an essay in English within 1,200 words about the protection of the marine environment, or themes related to this symposium. The applicant is free to decide the title of the essay.
Second round - Applicants who pass the first round will be notified in order of acceptance, and will be invited to an in-person or virtual interview.
Application period:
From June 5 to June 25 11:59pm Japan Time
On A4 paper, please type your essay and the information requested below, and email it to hawaii@sailorsforthesea.jp.
Number of scholarship recipients: 2 people
Date of notification: Middle of July 2016. We will notify each applicant directly.
To apply: Please include the following information on A4 paper and submit it as the first page of the essay: full name, gender, birth date, age, name of university, class year (first year, second year, etc.), major(s), extracurricular activities, mailing address, email address and phone number. Please also attach a headshot.
Requirements: Scholarship recipients are required to participate in the symposium and submit a report afterwards.
Important note:
You will be asked to arrive at the symposium venue on your own. This is not an organized trip. Neither the symposium, nor Sailors for the Sea Japan, will be responsible for any problems that may arise during the trip. We only invite those who can be responsible for their own travels.
Inquiries: Sailors for the Sea Japan Tel.: (+81)(0)79-762- 6700 or Inquiry form
U.S.- Japan Council Tel: (808) 271-0817 Email: wabe@usjapancouncil.org